Use drawings, clipart, photographs, images, and videos (,, etc.) to illustrate your point, to introduce vocabulary words, and to build schema.
Also, younger students or newcomers may find it easier to draw their responses instead of writing if they are unable to write at the present time. Drawing a picture and labeling it with new vocabulary words is a great way for ELLs to start using their new language.
Also, younger students or newcomers may find it easier to draw their responses instead of writing if they are unable to write at the present time. Drawing a picture and labeling it with new vocabulary words is a great way for ELLs to start using their new language.
Google Images is my best friend. If I need a visual for a particular word or idiomatic expression, I just type it into and click on Images. I can either print it out, or save it to my desktop to use on my SmartBoard. I incorporate images into my worksheets and posters.