I learned (stole) this from a kindergarten teacher (thanks, Ms. Bagwell). This can be used in so many ways. I use it to teach students vocabulary words, subject-verb agreement, and sequencing. Line up the words in the pocket chart so the students can see the pattern. Include an illustration for each sentence. All you need are sentence strips (or index cards) and printed pictures (and a pocket chart, of course).
You can have the students match the pictures to the sentences. Put the pictures on a desk and call up students one by one to match one picture with the correct sentence. Ask the student to read the sentence they chose. Or, if the student is too shy, or if you know their reading skills are not up to par, ask the student to point to each word in the sentence as the whole class reads it.
You can alternatively remove the key word (the one variable) from each sentence and have the students place it in the correct sentence based on the picture that it's next to. For example, if you're teaching about family members, remove the words grandmother, brother, etc. and give one to each student. Have each student come up to the chart with their word to insert it into the correct sentence by matching it with the picture.
You can do the same activity with sequence words if you're teaching sequencing.
You can do the same activity with sight words, too.
You can have the students match the pictures to the sentences. Put the pictures on a desk and call up students one by one to match one picture with the correct sentence. Ask the student to read the sentence they chose. Or, if the student is too shy, or if you know their reading skills are not up to par, ask the student to point to each word in the sentence as the whole class reads it.
You can alternatively remove the key word (the one variable) from each sentence and have the students place it in the correct sentence based on the picture that it's next to. For example, if you're teaching about family members, remove the words grandmother, brother, etc. and give one to each student. Have each student come up to the chart with their word to insert it into the correct sentence by matching it with the picture.
You can do the same activity with sequence words if you're teaching sequencing.
You can do the same activity with sight words, too.