ELLs, like most students, need to see what they should do before they attempt it. Before reading a passage, model out loud for the students what their internal dialogue should be. What should you be thinking about as you read this text? What questions should you be asking yourself?
Before sending children off to do an activity, model for them how you want it to be done. Give examples. Giving verbal or written directions is usually not enough. Use diagrams or charts. Color code them.
When I write my lesson plans, I follow the structure
TO: I do (The teacher models the task.)
WITH: We do (The teacher completes an example of the task with the class.)
BY: You do (The students work on the task independently.)
Watch a video from teachingchannel.org about this concept HERE.
Before sending children off to do an activity, model for them how you want it to be done. Give examples. Giving verbal or written directions is usually not enough. Use diagrams or charts. Color code them.
When I write my lesson plans, I follow the structure
TO: I do (The teacher models the task.)
WITH: We do (The teacher completes an example of the task with the class.)
BY: You do (The students work on the task independently.)
Watch a video from teachingchannel.org about this concept HERE.