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Module 4
Lesson 1:
Earth from Space
The Seven Continents Song
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?
Lesson 2:
Traditional Chinese Dance - Flowers Contend in Beauty
Lesson 3:
Lesson 4:
Lesson 5:
Lesson 6:
Explore Views of the Burj Khalifa with Google Maps
Lesson 7:
Lesson 8:
Lesson 9:
Antarctic Sights and Sounds
Penguin Song
Lesson 10:
Lesson 11:
Storm-Proofing the World's Biggest Mud Building
Lesson 12:
Lesson 13:
5 reasons why animal moms are awesome
Lesson 14:
Lesson 15:
Lesson 16:
Carta Marina, Olaus Magnus
Lesson 17:
Lions Roar
Burkina Faso: Music
Lesson 18:
Lesson 19:
Lesson 20:
Lesson 21:
Lesson 22:
Lesson 23:
Americas - Fact Files
Lesson 24:
Lesson 25:
Patterns of Chinchero
Lesson 26:
Lesson 27:
Lesson 28:
Crowfoot - "What is life?"
Grand Canyon Scenic Splendor
Lesson 29:
Teachers Pay Teachers Store
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Tip of the day
Important Acronyms
Videos and Songs for your smartboard
Routine for Newcomers
ELL Testing Accommodations
Parts of Speech