Every week, give your newcomers alternative homework assignments. If they cannot complete the grade-level ELA work, they shouldn't go home frustrated every day, but they should still be practicing their reading and writing. Literacy is literacy, I always say. Parents should read with them, even if it's in their home language.
Send them home with bilingual passages (see image below) or alternative ENL homework that focuses on basic skills. Click on the page entitled For ENL Teachers for ideas, or steal my worksheets for free! You can also visit http://englishlinx.com for free parts of speech and English grammar worksheets.
Send them home with bilingual passages (see image below) or alternative ENL homework that focuses on basic skills. Click on the page entitled For ENL Teachers for ideas, or steal my worksheets for free! You can also visit http://englishlinx.com for free parts of speech and English grammar worksheets.